In The White Man’s Burden, William Easterly challenges the usefulness
of Western Aid. He suggests that while billions of dollars have been given to
developing countries with the best intentions, these substantial gifts have
done little to increase growth rates in foreign countries. Notably, Easterly
argues that even market-based rearrangements do not guarantee, and perhaps may even
hinder economic development. To support this point, Easterly cites the
structural adjustment loans made by the World Bank and IMF in the 80s and 90s.
Such loans were expected to jumpstart emerging economies and lead to their
convergence with Western levels of prosperity. Easterly criticizes this “shock
therapy” model of development; he argues, “The free market depends on the
bottom-up emergence of complex institutions and social norms that are difficult
for outsiders to understand, much less change… People everywhere have to
explore the piecemeal, experimental steps how to move towards free markets”
(61). Easterly claims that top-down approaches are ultimately unsuccessful
because they do provide enough time for cultural norms to adopt this new way of
commentary on the futility of free market laws without sufficient social
capital seems especially relevant to emerging countries such as Guatemala. Figure
1 shows GDP growth in Guatemala since the 1960s.

After the Guatemalan government signed the peace accords in
1996, GDP growth was anticipated to take-off. While GDP has been consistent, it
has held constant since the early 90s and is on average lower than it was in
the 60s at the beginning of the 36-year civil war. When a “bad” government held
power(under the infamous oppressor Rios Mont), GDP growth fell dramatically,
reaching -3.83% in 1982. However, the switch to a more open democratic system
does not seem to have the converse positive effect. A possible reason for this
is that social capital in Guatemala remains very low. Consider the following
“social capital” indicators: 80% of managers consider both crime and corruption
to be major business threats and 71% do not have faith in the court’s ability
in property rights litigation. Secondly, violent crime and delinquency
challenge stability; “Guatemala's homicide rate in 2010
was about 41 per 100,000 persons. For comparison, the U.S. rate was about 5.4
per 100,000 persons for the same period” ( From small transactions
such as doubting the sanitary preparation of foods to deciding whether to invest
in business infrastructure, the lack of faith in those outside one’s social
circle may act as a dead weight to productivity despite the new democratic
political institutions.
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